Legal AI Solutions for Law Firms

Artificial intelligence in legal practice automates processes while complementing the human skill, judgment, and creativity of lawyers to deliver enhanced capabilities, optimized efficiency, and better outcomes for clients.

AI Legal Assistant

Your Trusted LawY AI Legal Assistant

LawY acts as your firm’s trusted AI legal assistant, addressing your legal questions with instant AI-generated answers that have been vetted and verified by experienced and qualified practicing lawyers in your state.

This blend of innovative legal AI and human expertise is at the heart of LawY’s service, empowering you with accurate answers you can trust.

Find Answers Within Your Matter

Chat with Matter AI to instantly access insights and information directly from your LEAP matter details, correspondence, critical dates, and appointments.

Leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms, Matter AI analyzes all the intricate details within documents and correspondence in your matter, enabling you to automate matter management and deliver exceptional legal services to your clients.

Legal AI Document Generator

Draft Documents with Ease Using Legal AI

Produce a legal letter, client email, or court form with ease using Generator. Input the type of document you need and select how you wish to create your draft:

  • Choose a letter, email, or form previously created within your practice

  • Select a document template identified by AI that is already held in your LEAP library of automated forms

  • Generate your own document using AI via LawY

Book a demonstration

Complement Human Skill With Legal AI Technology & Increase Efficiency

Book your demonstration today to see all the latest legal AI innovations within LEAP's all-in-one legal software solution.

Legal AI Technology Frequently Asked Questions